Welcome to Rowley Fuels Propane

Propane Services

(Click on each icon below to learn more)

Propane can be used for a number of things. Most commonly used for heating your home or business. It can also be used for, temporary heat for construction use, generators, home appliances (including grills) fireplaces, pool heaters and agriculture and farm use..

Angie, our Propane Service Coordinator, can assist you with all the paperwork needed to transfer your service to the new owner(s) and transfer or terminate your service. She will schedule a technician to read your tank gauge before your closing, transfer any remaining product in your tank to the new owner(s), credit your account (if applicable) and transfer your account information to your new location.

Propane is a CLEAN and RELIABLE heating source. It is a great option when you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint. Other ways to reduce your carbon footprint is by: turning down your water heater to 120 degrees, lower your thermostat in the winter while you are away, turn off lights and unplug appliances when not in use, change incandescent light bulbs to ENERGY STAR, use a low flow showerhead and look for an ENERGY STAR symbol when buying any new products.

The State of Vermont has special requirements when buying and selling a property that uses propane.  We can help!

Consumer Links:

Address – Phone – Fax

Mailing: PO Box 21
Physical: 789 Route 7 S
Milton, VT 05468
P: 802.893.7952
F: 802.893.3201

Hours of operation:

Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
(June 1st – September 30th)
8:00 am – 4:30 pm (October 1st – May 31st)
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturdays
(November 1st – March 31st)